Saturday, 14 June 2014

Drawing a song!!!

This is my visual interpretation of a song called Forbidden Fruit by J.Cole. 

I produced it in a day with one BIC medium biro pen. Yes, it is very random isn't it. But I truly wanted to encapsulate the imagery in the song! 

So this is how my thought process bagan....
I first began drawing an outline of a tree, next I bagan to create swirls all of a sudden. Then I though *dang I hve to stick to this pattern*. Once the tree was drawn I thought *what the heck now?* 

My I-phone bagan to play "Simba" by J.Cole and then I thought... *wait wait...* 
And suddenly had the urge to draw the crown from his Born Sinner Album..soon after the Kanye glasses were drawn, then lips..juice...apples...Jesus peice...sperm...ovaries and the words "don't yell" and "K."

Of course, I'm not saying I have represented every lyric, however I did enjoy making it very much.

It's a total contrast to my original mark making technique, firstly I use pencils and secondly my use of line is to create a realistic piece. So, creating this illustration was a whole new ball game. 

Line here is created by avoiding touching other lines. The shapes are completely free form which reflects my mind as it becomes emersed in the song. (Sounds deep doesn't it?) well I think it is deep. 

After all that said and done, my next art peice shall be a side profile of a very good friend of mine. 

Stay tuned. 

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