I have a colour piece to write.
(Sake..why is there a red line underneath 'colour' *sigh* American's trying to be funny again.)
Thing is...our module is so corrupt, that we literally jump into new forms of writing without any proper preparation, perhaps that's their way of testing us? I dunno, it aggravates me at times, because... 1) I know I'll be penalized however I write 2) incorporating my ideas into professional prose is not my thing at all.
If I write..I do it out of my own feeling, my own will, the way I want to, not the way you want it. (Sigh) Going into the professional field is daunting, it just makes you realise that you will be pushed around, regardless of whether you will like it or not. Just now, I read on the Guardian that Al-Jazeera journalists were killed in Egypt. *Looks up at the sky* Why..oh why did I have to read that? I need motivation...not a heart attack.
*Laughs at self* My back is against the radiator..that is switched off...lord help me.
Yeah blah blah 2014 in N hours..whatever. This is, yet again, the time when people start to make resolutions and try to stick to them, then fail after the first 12 hours. Will I have one?..I don't know. Do I want one?...Yeah that'd be cool. It would be nice to have a goal and stick to it..then celebrate emotionally once I have accomplished it! Well this year, my aim was to get to university..TICK. Maybe I will have to look back at my previous posts...I am sure I have written something about my other goals for 2013.
This is the time to sit and stare out of your window and just breathe. Because Semester 2 is going to bite like a female dog. I can feel it, I am prepared. I just hope I get my work done without all the drama last semester. It was amazing though.
Semester 1: "Get to know" Semester 2: "Now you know"
^ That's how I like to put it. Okay enough of university... (sometimes it feels like that's all I talk about)
Where am I at? Well I went to Motown *screams*. I had to Google that beforehand, but yeah it was nice. Just to get away again, that rebellious feeling of just going out. *looks up at forehead* *devil horns start to appear* I shall base my Colour Piece on that night.
It was crazy, middle aged people dancing among Mia and I. Us, just swaying our way through all the Soul bangers, from Jackson 5, to Marvin Gaye. Does it sound wack? Well it wasn't. You had to be there..the endless attempts to push past the crowds at the till, drinks menus stuck to the bar and drowned in liquor. Spot lights, green, pink and yellow blinding everyone around you, the squared dance floor guiding your every move, mums and dads laughing and cheering, guys in groups peering at the girl with her jugs on show, plasma screens displaying the current artist, the DJ's fingers steaming off the Vinyls, lonely drunk men...hallucinating their ex wives probably. Lipstick stains on the bathroom mirrors, floor sticky and sweet, drink straws hanging onto your shoes, cigarette smoke outside the doors, a fit guy with an Afro and septum piercing..he had a girl on either side of him (urgh), tragic clothing on this woman looking 60...a woman with faded blue hair...faded because she is a mother of twins at home you see...an African uncle peering over the crowd..our eyes met twice and I shivered both times...oh and Ryan Dix..an old school friend haha.
I could go on but if I am really honest I cannot be bothered, my finger tips are going blue and I need to turn this radiator on. Other than that, a banana is waiting to be eaten. That was not a sexual innuendo...but if you laughed I hope it was silent and if you didn't laugh...then you are very mature I envy you.
Bring on 2014 woohooo.