Tuesday 5 November 2013

(Master)-your shape up first-(Chef)

Oh my,

why the fuck have I just sat here watching Master-chef when I should be focusing on polishing my presentation or just getting ready for my day.

I am so angry, 1) at the fact that this bitch of a woman thinks she's all this and that, on her high horse giving feedback like she has 100 DMs waiting for her. Then the bald prick who interrogates as if it were his job to.


You can't have a program run like that.

I mean the guy said "I wouldn't lose sleep over it" - basically saying his dish was alright...

she goes..."I would"...


Like what?

One black contestant...yes the One and only black contestant presented two dishes.

They frowned on it, because the judges were only allowed to taste one. Okay I get it.

So he took his desert away, and left them with his water cress soup.

Basically it was good, but no technical skill was shown.

He goes "ah yes chef I shall blah blah"

and she goes "You better or I'll hate you for good...*pause* just kidding"

Bitch who are you kidding?

What are you kidding?

Who are you fooling bitch?

Your shape-up is kidding.

Your anti nostrils are kidding.

Bitch, every facial expression you make is kidding evolution. Darwin...every theory known to man.

Like why did you pronounce 'Mas-ca-poniiiiii' in an elaborate Italian manner...then in front of the contestants you shorted it to 'mas-ca-pon' say what???

I mean yes that made me turn around, sit down, and stand up again.

You must be reading this thinking this girl is out of her mind.

I don't care. To be honest I have no one to tell here. Lonely, sitting in my Uni room, therefore I will write a blog post about it.

That is how my brain functions now. I tell you all my shit.

I'm just in the mood where I want to get my presentation done. I am hoping it goes well.

It's challenging but when  have I ever turned a challenge down aye?

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