Monday 24 September 2012

Talking about Tits

Tits up

Commenting on The Guardians article about women being victimized by people who have created this new thing called "Creepshot" where pictures are taken without the woman knowing, then shared online.

Basically women, you're being exposed wherever you go, now I don't know about you but that doesn't sound right to me, in fact I feel a bit worried that I have been out and about, here there everywhere and maybe...just maybe there could be a picture of me lurking on some next website for all to see.

Now the gross part about this is that celebrities who live the life of fame would experience this a lot right, due to paparazzi and exposures for the media to feast on in magazines galore. But this is public...private...anyone! I pity those who think it's a great idea to be honest, I mean the way it is stressed that these aren't just average pictures presenting a body, oh no, they actually try to take a good shot of breasts and you know where. Crazy to even think that there are people out there who would indulge in this filth. It is classed as a subculture in fact.

Sub-culture my ass.

It's just attention seeking, ofcourse having recently experienced the exposure of the Duchess of Cambridge we understand that security measures surely where not in tact there, because if a picture was taken from 'x' then surely other safety measures could have been broken for anyone's knowledge.

I am sure that having mentioned the superior measures of hassle that caused, this idea has even more of an awareness now to us. Us, the public who are of course seen with no voice what so ever. Yes I even visited the Hollaback LDN site , that is brilliantly organised I must say, but lets face reality here, posting your experience isn't going to solve your problem in the future is it? I mean you have to act there and then. Women are underestimated in term of physical strength and what have you, we are an easy target, but on the flip side we are this way as this is the expectation.

What about breaking this expectation, let your voice be heard, I am no radical Feminist, but I do stress that women should stand up, raise their voice if need be. It is hard harassment, voyeurism etc are only petty, yet surely if the petty isn't stopped this would encourage secondary crime i.e Rape.

Statistics show us that... 8% of rape allegations aren't true.

Is it a case of Justice or Injustice or both?.

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