Monday 24 June 2013

Charity adverts drive me crazy

So in between watching Charmed an advert comes up.

What the heck.

Starving children, yes I get it, everyone does, give £2? yes I get it.

But come on morons.

You probably have a Nikon, Canon and the latest tripod with the biggest lens to ensure the advert is a hit yeah? You stand there focusing on tears and avoiding the flies that might interupt the shoot yeah?

On top of that you probably have a backpack that cost around 100 pounds that probably contains a six pack of Evian or Volvic for that matter.

Now some one explain that to me please.

Tell me why on earth can that go ahead yet the faintest advert has to tell people to give £2 a month.

Now here in England accorning to New Right, we live off benefits and we are totally welfare dependant.

We fix pot holes once a year. That broken lampost on your street corner is still ignored and your driveway will always have a new gang sign graffitied on it on the daily.

Now we have issues of immigration.

The New World Order makes no sense, and I haven't heard about the good of UN in ages.

Call me naive, unaware or blind, but I feel strongly about the welfare of developing countries.

Forget the stereotype of Africa, theres Bangladesh, Palestine, flipping Pakistan, but above all...Us?

We need to fix up man.

You know I ain't even a spokesperson, im just 18, bored about to watch Wives of Atlanta and erm, a rage just built up inside me.

I think it may have been something to do with coming downstairs from an awful head ache and wanting to make a coffee...but my milk was actually absent from the fridge.

My anger was contained, yet I beleive I let it out on the pegs..about 2 snapped whilst putting the clothes outside.

Anyhow enough babbling, I have no idea why there are many breakages between each sentence, i'm just not feeling paragraphs at the minute as you have noticed.

Right, adios.

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