Tuesday 7 January 2014

I just had to get this Ted Baker coat

Arriva Bus- 02.42pm:
So as I arrived at the bus stop there was a man eating a chicken and bacon sandwich, he asked me what the time was and I said 2.13, the bus was due in just over 10 minutes.

Great having to share breathing space with a man who likes to eat when he talks and cough without covering his mouth. Then I started doing my usual analyzing of my surroundings..I predicted a school boy would get off the bus stop opposite me and then take a trip to the chicken shop..and I was right, I smiled at my own little success. Anyway as I stared down the road, every single vehicle in the world approached.. a helicopter flew over even a JCB truck, but no bus. I then realized I was sighing every two minutes, no wonder the man kept staring at me. I am in the juggernaught of a bus right now, it is trembling my brain cells and I hope I have enough to last me hopping today. I need to find a black Parker coat with a fur hood, you have no idea how hard that is. I await a text from mevish as I was running so late. Was supposed to make CMK for half 2 and it is utterly half two. Oh dear, the curse of colour people time has got to me. The girl sat in front of me is wearing exactly what i need but hers is a chav version as I can smell Charlie Red and her roots are dyed red. Just checked whether I was sat in the disabled seats, I always have a habit of doing that, I don't intend to, I just feel like I need medical advice sometimes. Hahah how can I say that? Okay I am thirsty my throat is dry with tobacco residue that was dancing in the bus shelter. Yep just went past Maria's Fish Bar, nearly there, hopefully it shall be a blessed day. I just spotted a woman with reflective pink trainers. Okay now I pray hard that it's a good day. 

Home- 09.48pm: it was a good day! 

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